Sep 1, 2008

Communication is the key

Communication, just like the important role it plays in the field of traditional marketing, has a great deal of impact on the web marketing as well. Recently our company has removed a range of replica products and punshied their sellers. Thanks to the effective and time-efficient e-mail sent to every publisher, we hardely received any complaints from publishers. Here I would also like to thank their kind co-operations.

Despite this, there still have been some publishers who showed excellent performance in the past month. We found that communicating with them brought some surprises. For example, one of the TOP 10 publishers I contacted not only answered my question regarding how he prompted our banner link, he also mentioned some of our competitors' commision policy. That's some extra surprise. However, I am not arguing that copying from your competitor is a good practice, since every company has its own strategic focus, e.g. acquiring new buyer or retaining old buyer. This will all be reflected by every company's affiliate program policy.

For every affiliate marketing specialist, part of the success depends on how you can overcome the sense of insecure and unfamiliarity between you, as a merchant and your publishers, in this virtual world. Do not just rely on those fancy web tools to develop your affiliate program, the root of long-term success usually relies on something rather basic and simple :)


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