Sep 5, 2008

Something interesting about Lenovo's ordering system

I don't suppose if most of my friends have got the similar experience. On Tuesday, 2nd of Sep, I was sitting in front of my computer and checking Lenovo's Canadian website. I was tempted to click on the offer shown on the homepage, after that I noticed that all the Thinkpad laptops were priced as $0, which was a big surprise. Being out of interest, I went further with a few more clicks and then I found most additional services and software and accessories were also free. Unfortunately I do not live in Canada so I could not register an account, which is required to place the order. Surely this was a mistake, probably because of the system update during that time. I also know that even if the order was being placed, it would have been rejected by Lenovo anyway.

The reason I am mentioning here is that because a similar case happed in Jan this year. I can still remember that it was Lenovo's US website and the well-known Thinkpad T61 was priced as $224. As a result all the buyers who tried to take avantage of that error were all turned down by a letter from Lenovo to inform them that orders got cancelled.

Although Lenovo is a Chinese company and I myself is a Chinese consumer, I am not the first person who would argue about Lenovo's service quality and I also often heared about the dealy of delivery before. I think it still has lots to learn in the global market. By constrast, when IBM made the same mistake by pricing something (I cannot remember the name, maybe an optical drive) for $1 only on the website, the company delivered every single product to its buyer rather than sending a letter to cancel the order. Maybe Lenovo is considering making profit as a more important subject than building its brand. Anyway, let's just wish it will not keep making more mistakes like this.

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